Aditi Deshpande is a scientist at Allena Pharmaceuticals in Newton, MA. She is a biochemist and a chemical engineer by training. Dr. Deshpande is motivated to...
Raul Ramos shared his inspiring personal journey into science with high school students from Waltham High School as part of the series, The Brandeis MRSEC and...
Dr. Asuri is a Health Policy Analyst and Health Researcher at BC Public Service in Canada. She is a bio-medical scientist by training. She has experienced...
Dr. Caroline S. Turner: "Indeed, the journey toward accomplishment and achievement in any endeavor is not done in isolation but with the support of others willing...
Taylor Richardson: "But here I am and what I know is that I want to be, no scratch that, I will be a scientist, engineer and...
Emily Schoerning is a benchtop researcher turned education specialist. Raised in a working-class family on a diet of Isaac Asimov, she decided she would become a...
Dr. Qaali Hussein: "Despite my academic standing and extracurricular activities, my pursuit of surgery has always been received as an improbable endeavor. A hijab wearing Muslim...
Anagha Krishnan: Days later, my mind was reeling. How could she say something like that? My mother, who couldn’t attend the conference with me, was very...
My parents were still on cloud nine about their daughter having finished a PhD at a highly-ranked university, doing ground-breaking research on cystic fibrosis. They were...
Johnathan Yeo: I was amazed at the depths that biology could go. There was so much more to learn, discover and connect. Again, I learned by...