Hello! My name is Barakat Oyiza Abubakar. I am a 14 year old girl from a family of 6. I live with my mum and 5...
Though he wasn’t always successful and did not even start as a scientist by profession, his scientific legacy stands. Ibn al Haytham is one of many...
Caroline received her B.S. from Brown University in 2006. She began studying the molecular and cellular basis of behavior in the context of the developing frog...
Caroline received her B.S. from Brown University in 2006. She began studying the molecular and cellular basis of behavior in the context of the developing frog...
Colm P. Kelleher is a postdoc at Harvard University specializing in biophysics and soft matter physics. As well as research, Colm is interested in science communication...
Sophie Farr: "In a society where most famous celebrity women are known for makeup and fashion, most girls think they can’t get anywhere as a woman...
Historians of African-Americans in science tend to focus on figures like Benjamin Banneker and George Washington Carver. But there are so many more.
The third African-American to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics struggled his entire career against the barriers of institutional racism.
Ive Velikova hosts Science With Ive, an educational YouTube channel that tackles quirky science questions. Her curiosity and evidence-based research lets you laugh and learn alongside her with each...
Priscila is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Molecular Genetics at The Ohio State University (OSU). She was born and raised in a rural town...