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CivicSciTV - Perspective

Yamilee Toussaint realized STEM needs what dance provides & made that leap happen for girls

Diya Dwarakanath



In this episode of CivicSciTV’s “The Perspective,” host Diya Dwarakanath explores how to fix disparities in race and gender in STEM fields with Yamilée Toussaint, the Founder & CEO of the non-profit organization STEM From Dance.

The episode begins with Toussaint explaining the connection between dance and STEM, and her perspective on the root cause of the issue. Toussaint has “always found dance to be a source of confidence, strength, joy, being challenged, and having a community, and those are the things that STEM truly needs.”

They discuss lessons learned, how traits like intellectual curiosity and risk-taking emerge from the combination, and the community collaborations and feedback that reinforce the message that STEM is for everyone. “The rigor of trying something over and over again until you get it right builds a sense of discipline and persistence that we know is really important in STEM, especially for girls when they’re going to be up against challenges that others may not face,” says Toussaint.

The episode concludes with actionable insights for practitioners doing similar work and looks ahead to scaling up STEM from Dance further.

CivicSciTV - Perspective

How subtle changes in educator language can drive inclusion and engagement in STEM and beyond

Diya Dwarakanath



In this episode of CivicSciTV’s “The Civic Science Perspective,” host Diya Dwarakanath explores cognitive psychology with Professor Erica Kleinknecht O’Shea from Pacific University. They discuss how language and educational practices impact children’s cognitive development and social essentialism. Professor Kleinknecht explains the Rhodes et al paper which describes how subtle linguistic shifts, like asking students to “do science” instead of “be scientists” can significantly influence children’s engagement in science.

Professor Kleinknecht describes her innovative classroom project where students create children’s books addressing social issues like sexism and racism through intentional but natural language patterns. Despite the challenges, students find the project rewarding and recognize their capability to produce meaningful work. She explains that “parents’ language impacts children’s choices.” Prof. Kleinknecht suggests that expanding community feedback could enhance the project’s impact and highlight the need for better psychology education in high schools.

The episode concludes with Professor Kleinknecht encouraging educators to adopt project-based learning approaches, making psychology and STEM subjects more accessible and engaging. She states, “If you’re thinking about doing it, just go for it!” This conversation offers valuable insights into how language and educational practices shape children’s cognitive and social development, advocating for a more practical and inclusive approach to teaching psychology and STEM.

0:00 – About CivicSciTV
0:16 – Show intro
0:27 – Guest intro
1:56 – Definition of psychology
3:24 – Kleinknecht’s take on Rhodes et al study
8:14 – Power of words
12:00 – Classroom project
17:20 – Community feedback
19:02 – Context used by students
20:49 – Not enough feedback from parents
21:30 – Book example
25:00 – Let’s do science
25:52 – Surprising lesson learned
28:00 – Actionable advice for educators
31:34 – Engaging the public
33:58 – The role for the public
36:09 – Better preparing teachers

Explore Next:  My Developing Journey to Becoming an Agent of Change in Science

Additional Readings

Prof. Erica Kleinknecht O’Shea, Pacific University –
Children’s books written by cognitive development psychology students –

Anchor paper/research finding:
Asking young children to “do science” instead of “be scientists” increases science engagement in a randomized field experiment, Rhodes, M. et al, 2020

Good meta review of public psychology
Public Psychology: Introduction to the Special Issue, American Psychologist, APA, 2021

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