CivicSciTimes - Stories in Science
How Much Poop Does a Worm Make When They Only Eat Zuccchhiinnniii?

Vivekanand Pandey Vimal
[su_boxbox title=”About”]Dr. Vivekanand Pandey Vimal presents a short talk about his standard approaches of talking about research, to his more ‘innovative’ approaches and ‘non-standard’ approaches that combine a mixture of reality, art and surreal ceremonies on the topic of science. He s currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Space Health at Brandeis University. Visit his website to learn more. [/su_boxbox]
The CS Media Lab is a Boston-anchored civic science news collective with local, national and global coverage on TV, digital print, and radio through CivicSciTV, CivicSciTimes, and CivicSciRadio. Programs include Questions of the Day, Changemakers, QuickTake, Consider This Next, Stories in Science, Sai Resident Collective and more.

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Earthwise Aware in Boston is creating a space for dialogue and collaboration between scientists, naturalists, and nature-lovers. Founder Claire O’Neill explains.
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Examining science and art collaborations through a social psychology lens reveals the need for third spaces
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ScienceWriters2025 conference is actively seeking new venues, sponsors, and partners. Read their statement to explore ways to help.
CivicSciTV - Questions of the Day2 weeks ago
Part time bartender & scientist, JP Flores, talks about new funding to support a community engagement project in North Carolina