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CivicSciTimes - Stories in Science

Moments: My Daughter’s Journey in Science as a Father

People always ask me how my daughter Amoy got into science.  My first thought typically: “Is there an actual event that I can pinpoint?” Was there one particular thing I could isolate and say, “this was the moment.” There were definitely several defining moments I can think back to.  Moments like when she would put on her mother’s stethoscope and pretended to listen to your pulse.  




Davin Shepherd is the father of Amoy Antunet who is a second-grader from Atlanta, Georgia. Amoy is passionate about science, and with the help of her father, she makes videos on several neuroscience related topics and posts them to her Facebook page, Science For Children. Below, Mr. Shepherd shares his perspective as a father who is witnessing his daughter’s exploration and discovery of neuroscience. 

People always ask me how my daughter Amoy got into science.  My first thought typically: “Is there an actual event that I can pinpoint?” Was there one particular thing I could isolate and say, “this was the moment.” There were definitely several defining moments I can think back to.  Moments like when she would put on her mother’s stethoscope and pretended to listen to your pulse.  Moments like, three-year old Amoy sitting there listening to me go over notes for a Biology exam.  She would mimic my words back to me and laugh. These are always the times when a parent looks at their child and says “you are going to be a doctor one day.” Still I didn’t make anything out of it. Most people referenced Amoy as a pretty baby because that is what they saw.  Yet what would beauty be without brains? There are a bunch of pretty children out there, who will one day grow old and fail to leave their footprint on the planet if their parents never nurtured their goals. 

Amoy Antunet and Her Father

Then there were moments like when I brought home a microscope that Amoy always found herself hanging around. When I took it out of the box, she was in awe.  It was Daddy’s new toy and she wanted to play too.  She wanted so badly to be able to touch it that she was always very careful to follow instructions when I let her operate it. I guess she wanted to show me that she respected the equipment. It wasn’t long before she was able to operate it independently. She knew how insert the slides and then correctly get it into focus. She would go from slide to slide, just looking, and asking questions.  She would always go outside with fresh slides, then come back into the house with two or three new things to look at under the microscope.  It was safe to say that she was fascinated by looking at things at the microscopic level. It wasn’t long before I realized that I would have to get a microscope for her as well. 

I remember her telling me that an adult told her that her father was brain washing her, to which she replied “you should wash your brain too” (with the utmost innocence). 

Then there were moments like buying her little science-oriented toys. This included The Squishy Body, The Magic School Bus Science Kits, PH kits, and of course many of the very cool Doc McStuffins- paraphernalia.  We would do science experiments together. These kits usually kept her very busy. It would provide valuable play time for us to both learn and play simultaneously. Her very first video was a PH test. She had little PH strips, an electronic PH meter, some test tubes and some liquids.  

She sat there at the kitchen table dipping her strips into various liquids to determine its PH level. I recorded it because I thought it was cute that she was presenting like an instructor. I remember Amoy taking her PH testing kit to school to show it to her classmates. She would come home baffled that they were not interested in it.  She said the kids thought she was weird. I told her not to worry about what they thought. I remember her telling me that an adult told her that her father was brain washing her, to which she replied “you should wash your brain too” (with the utmost innocence).  

Explore Next:  Growing Up in Science: David M. Schneider

There were moments like the time I was studying the heart. I had an actual heart model. It wasn’t a very intricate heart model. However, it still had enough moving pieces that it definitely helped with learning orientation. I remember Amoy being so fascinated by the heart model that she asked for her own. One day she asked me to record her showing the heart model. And so was the inception of Amoy doing video tutorials. She was now four years old at the time. She then started to get more inquisitive about the function as opposed to the form. She wanted to know more about what made the heart pump blood. She began to watch a bunch of YouTube videos on her tablet, read  books, and ask a thousand questions.   

Now make no mistake; she was still very much a child. She liked to play with dolls, hide and seek, etc. Still, she found time to explore her passion for science. At this point, it was not much of a surprise to me anymore as I began to realize that she was definitely serious about learning science. She would even proclaim that she was a scientist. Who was I to tell her otherwise? We ended up shooting a series of videos covering the heart.

One of the videos covered cardiac conduction, which would segue her fascination in neuroscience. We concluded the heart study with a dissection.  I remember almost vomiting during the dissection because my stomach just isn’t designed for things like that, but I toughed it out for Amoy’s sake.  She definitely had no problem dealing with it, or that smell that came from whatever they used to preserve the cow’s heart. 

There were several moments like when the doorbell rings.  You open the door to a package on the porch. All of a sudden, the five -year old (Amoy) comes running around the corner yelling “Is that package for me?” The package was definitely for her.  My mother had apparently ordered Amoy a model brain. It had so many pieces to it. It was quite complex and would prove to keep her busy for hours on a day. Naturally, she began by attempting to identify the parts of the brain and their functions. Then she wanted to study the brain at a cellular level and became interested in the physiology of the synapse. I think the most defining moment was when she learned the story of Phineas Gage. A railroad foreman who had an accident that opened one of the floodgates in neuroscience research. She was still five at this point. 

Her next video focused on the twelve cranial nerves.  I even remember her sitting there using Play Dough to build a model neuron. She would always pop quiz me on the events at the neuro-muscular junction, and the reflex arc. During this time Amoy began to set up her room like a Lab.  With the help of my mother, she started to gather all kinds of equipment to add to her lab.  She is still building it to this day and takes birthday and Christmas opportunities to ask for science equipment of her choice.    

This experience as a father has been very rewarding. Amoy is progressively becoming who she is supposed to be.  I am always grateful for the experience of raising her.  I think some children just know what it is they want to be in life.  Some of them will wait and take a longer progressive route while some wish to begin their journey immediately.  There was never one defining moment, but more a compilation of moments that painted the picture of her goal. 

Related Reading

Daily Mail: The seven-year-old professor! Brainy second grader schools internet users on college-level NEUROSCIENCE with brilliant videos recorded in a lab in her bedroom

BBC: The 7-year-old neuroscientist wowing the internet

Facebook Page: Science for children with Amoy AntuNet

CivicSciTimes - Stories in Science

Unexpected Stories and Spindle Mistakes: Discovering that Wild-type Cells are Full of Surprises





Natalie Nannas

Natalie Nannas is an Associate Professor of Biology at Hamilton College in Clinton, NY. She teaches courses in genetics, molecular biology, and bioethics. Dr. Nannas graduated from Grinnell College with bachelor’s degrees in biological chemistry and French. She received her Master’s and PhD from Harvard University in molecular biology and genetics. Dr. Nannas conducted her postdoctoral research at the University of Georgia where she won a National Science Foundation Plant Genome Postdoctoral Fellowship. At Hamilton College, Dr. Nannas enjoys teaching and sharing her passion for microscopy with her undergraduate research students. When not glued to a microscope, she loves spending time with her husband and two daughters. The narrative below by Natalie Nannas captures the human stories behind the science from a 2022 paper titled “Frequent spindle errors require structural rearrangement to complete meiosis in Zea mays” which was published by her group in 2022 in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Science never works out the way we plan. As scientists, we ask questions, hypothesize and outline our goals … then reality of science occurs. The reality of science is often full of failed controls, endless troubleshooting, and sometimes strange findings that lead us in new and unpredictable directions. Our publications give the impression that we planned these scientific journeys from the beginning and do not tell the human side of the process with all of its twists and turns, dead-ends and U-turns. I want to tell you the real story behind my first publication as a faculty member with my own lab. It did not go as planned due to the COVID-19 pandemic. My lab was shut down in the middle of our investigation, and my students and I were unable to generate new data. In the beginning, it seemed like we were stranded with only control data and no story to tell, but the time away from the lab allowed us to spend more time looking carefully at wild-type cells. What seemed like a dead-end suddenly became its own story when we found something unexpected hiding within microscopy movies. Our wild-type cells were making mistakes, attempting fixes and changing directions, just like we do as scientists.

My scientific journey began with flickering green lights and a microscope (you can read more about it here). As an undergraduate, I was mesmerized by the beauty of watching living cells shuffle fluorescently labeled proteins throughout their cytoplasm. I followed this passion for microscopy into my doctoral dissertation research at Harvard University where I investigated how yeast cells build the machinery needed to pull their chromosomes apart. This machinery is a dynamic collection of long protein tubes called microtubules and other organizing proteins that help move and shuffle microtubules. I loved watching the delicate dance of chromosomes interacting with microtubules of the spindle, and I wanted to continue studying this process in my postdoctoral studies.

During postdoctoral studies at the University of Georgia, I won a fellowship from the National Science Foundation to develop a new technique in microscopy. No one had ever watched plants building their spindles in meiosis, the specialized cell division that produces egg and sperm. Other scientists had performed beautiful microscopy studies observing how mitotic spindles function inside of plant cells, but due to the technical challenges, no one had ever observed live plant cells building spindles in meiosis. I was thrilled to take on this challenge by using version of maize that had fluorescently labeled tubulin, the protein that makes up microtubules of the spindle. With this line of maize, spindles would glow fluorescent green, allowing me to image if only I could extract the meiotic cells.

Dr. Natalie Nannas

We were so busy collecting data and prepping for our mutant studies that we never really took time to analyze the wild-type cells.

After almost a year spent dissecting maize plants, I finally managed to develop a method to isolate these tiny cells and keep them alive in a growth media long enough to image them. This new method of live imaging was going to serve as the foundation of my new lab at Hamilton College, a primarily undergraduate institution. With my students, I planned to investigate the pathways governed spindle assembly. Most animal mitotic cells have a structure called a centrosome that dictates how spindles are formed; however, female animal meiotic cells lack these structures and must use other pathways to direct spindle assembly. Plants also lack centrosomes, and I wanted to inhibit these known animal pathways in our plant live imaging system.

Explore Next:  Growing Up in Science: David M. Schneider

As I set up my lab, my students and I collected live movies of wild-type maize cells building their spindles. I told my students and myself that these movies were not the main event, they were just the control cells so we would have a baseline comparison for our experimental conditions. We were so busy collecting data and prepping for our mutant studies that we never really took the time to analyze the wild-type cells. At the surface level, they built spindles and segregated chromosomes in a generally expected amount of time, so we focused on preparing for our upcoming experiments…. then March 2020 occurred.

The pandemic forced us to slow down and look more carefully at our wild-type data, and I am grateful for the detour.

My students headed home for spring break with a warning that there may be a delay in coming back to campus due to the spread of COVID-19. None of us were prepared for the shutdown that followed. Like many colleges and universities, our campus was closed for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester and the summer of 2020. My students and I began meeting on Zoom, trying to make a new plan for our research. The only data we had to work with were the microscopy of wild-type maize cells, so we decided to spend time digging more deeply into these movies. Originally, we had only measured the total time it took to build a spindle as it would be a baseline for comparison to our mutants. We had not looked carefully at any of the intermediate time points in the assembly process. When my students looked more closely at our movies, they discovered that wild-type cells built an incorrectly shaped spindle over 60% of the time!

We found that maize meiotic cells often built spindles with three poles instead of two, and they had to actively rearrange their spindle structure to correct this mistake. We also found that in these cells, there was a delay in meiosis as cells refused to progress until this correction had been made. This is an exciting discovery as it showed that plants are error-prone in their spindle assembly, much like human female meiotic cells. Our findings also suggested that meiotic cells were monitoring their spindle shape when determining if they should move forward in meiosis. Previous work has shown that cells monitor the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle to make this decision, but our work adds a new dimension, showing that they also monitor spindle shape. As we continued to analyze our videos, we also learned that cells corrected their spindle morphology in a predictable way. They always collapsed the two poles that were closest together, creating a single pole and resulting in a correct bipolar spindle.

The image shows the first page of the paper which can be accessed here.

My students and I had begun our scientific journey planning to breeze over wild-type cells, moving on to what we envisioned would be a more exciting story of spindle mutants. The pandemic forced us to slow down and look more carefully at our wild-type data, and I am grateful for the detour. I rediscovered my love of closely watching flickering green fluorescent lights, the dance of microtubules sliding into place or making missteps and shuffling into new arrangements. Watching life attempt a complicated process, make mistakes, and try again, is a lesson that never grows old. It reminds me that our scientific journeys are just the same, they start in one direction but are fluid and constantly changing, and hopefully, they end with a functional spindle!

Read the Published Paper

Weiss, J.D., McVey, S.L., Stinebaugh, S.E., Sullivan, C.F., Dawe, R.K., and N.J. Nannas. 2022. Frequent spindle errors require structural rearrangement to complete meiosis in Zea maysInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (8):4293–4312.

ABOUT: Stories in Science is a special series on the Civic Science Times. The main aim is to document the first-hand accounts of the human stories behind the science being published by scientists around the world. Such stories are an important element behind the civic nature of science.

SUBMISSION: Click here to access the story guidelines and submission portal. Please note that not all stories are accepted for publication. After submission, we will let you know whether we have selected the story for the review process.

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