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CivicSciTV Newsroom

Dance to improve science engagement, new European SciComm center, & more! CivicSciTV News



Newsroom host Jake Krauss from Washington DC reports on new research showing dance can improve community health science engagement, videos from a new European SciComm center, and webinars to improve scicomm!

New paper: Health scientists build community bridges through dance

COALESCE videos at ESOF 2024 part of new European SciComm center

ADDSTEAM webinar: Translating complex science into narrative

Finding the funds ASBMB monthly meeting ft. Fanuel Muindi

I am a conservation biologist and professional science communicator with experience on research expeditions across the globe. My background in tropical biology research has instilled me with a passion for wildlife conservation, environmental science, and bringing these issues to the attention of the general public through photography, film, science writing and presenting.

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