Rodolfo Jimenez [su_boxbox title=”About”]Dr. Jimenez is the Assistant Director of the Summer Bridge at The University of Texas at Austin. [/su_boxbox] [dropcap]M[/dropcap]y parents were so young when...
– Robin McLachlan – <> In Part 1 of this journey, I bumbled down into Crystal Cave, the rocky heart of Sequoia National Park, where my...
Dinner table discussions centered around political and economic analysis of world events but most importantly the future of the African continent.
by Sharon Briggs | Senior Scientist at Helix [dropcap]I[/dropcap] can remember the day I decided I wanted a career in genetics. I was 17 years old sitting...
– Michelle Dookwah – Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Georgia [dropcap]I[/dropcap] always thought I wanted to be a scientist, yet I considered other careers...
– Ashley Taylor – 5th Year PhD Candidate | Department of Chemistry | Louisiana State University [dropcap]S[/dropcap]cience was my first love because my parents also loved...
– Robin McLachlan – Graduate Student | University of Washington | Oceanography | Sediment Dynamics Group <> How did I make my way from mountains to mud? Well,...
– Steve Ramirez – – Principal Investigator | Center for Brain Science| Harvard University – [dropcap]I[/dropcap]‘m often asked how I got into neuroscience, so here’s the...
– Ruth Agbaji – CEO & Founder at TheGradSpark [dropcap]I[/dropcap] grew up in an academic environment. My father was into biochemistry research and my mom was...
by Stories in Science Team <> In case you missed this article, songbird neurobiologist Dr. Erich Jarvis of The Rockefeller University was the recipient of the 2015...