Anne Urai [su_boxbox title=”About”]Dr. Anne Urai received her undergraduate degree in cognitive neuroscience and philosophy at University College Utrecht in 2010, followed by a masters in...
Leonardo Ferreira: "What if we could avoid the need for HLA matching for successful organ transplantation without severely impairing the recipient’s immune system? Better even, what...
Clinton Cave - "Protect your health, find mentorship, and help those around you. And just for the record, "You DO belong here."
Milanpreet Kaur: "It has been three years into my doctoral program, and recently I began to draw connections between my studies and personal growth, asking myself...
Haxhi Pantina: "To this day, I still like reading about stars and the universe, but quantum mechanics, quantum optics, and quantum information contain the largest part...
Jeeban Panthi: "My professional and personal journey to understand water continues to unfold, and I was a part of a multi-year collaborative research project on climate...
Laura Bojarskaite: "I want to be honest and tell you the story of how science actually happened for me and not how science should have happened...