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Biologist Brian Kloeppel shares insights from Capitol Hill visit to support federal science funding

Jake Krauss



CivicSciTV News Correspondent Jake Krauss interviews Dr. Brian Kloeppel, a biologist and faculty member at Western Carolina University, on Capitol Hill. Dr. Kloeppel discusses his advocacy efforts for federal science funding, particularly for the National Science Foundation and other key agencies supporting environmental research. He highlights the bipartisan support for science funding and shares insights from meetings with Congressional staffers. Dr. Kloeppel also emphasizes the broader impacts of research, such as job creation and educational opportunities, and the importance of scientists engaging in advocacy. He reflects on initiatives like schoolyard programs that inspire young students and calls for greater involvement from scientists in public outreach.

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Science Advocacy, Federal Funding, Environmental Research, Public Outreach, STEM Education, Capitol Hill, National Science Foundation, NSF, Bipartisan Support, Student Engagement, Scientist Involvement

CivicSciTV Newsroom

Dance to improve science engagement, new European SciComm center, & more! CivicSciTV News

Jake Krauss



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