Originally Aired on Apr 10, 2022. Professional science policy opportunities have traditionally been filled by PhD-level students and established career-scientists. To provide more opportunities, the science-policy...
In this segment of “Questions of the Day,” host Fanuel Muindi talks with Dr. Akuadasuo Ezenyilimba, a postdoctoral researcher at Arizona State University and a fellow...
Abigal Bender discusses the Science on Stage event that occurred at Stony Brook University in October of 2023. The project consisted of three playwrights partnered with...
STEM Activation is a framework that describes the dispositions, practices, and knowledge that enable success in STEM learning experiences. It includes dimensions like fascination with natural...
Professor Bruce Lewenstein from Cornell University addresses the point “Why public engagement is, and always has been and always will be, critical for science. Actionable Insights...
Fanuel Muindi, host of the ‘Questions of the Day’ show on the CivicSciTV Network, takes a moment to mark 100 episodes and announces the launch of...
In this segment of Questions of the Day, Sam Ridgeway – a freelance science communicator – discusses his piece on SciComm Bites about a 2021 paper...
Featured are the voices of Carla Scaletti (Composer and Software Designer) and Martin Gruebele (Professor of Chemistry, Physics, Biophysics and Computational Biology at the University of...
Adriana Bankston and Amy Ralston, two of the four authors of a new publication titled โDevelopment and Outcomes of an International Certificate Program in Science Policy...
Colleen Kelley is the Creator and Founder of Kidsโ Chemical Solutions, a comic-book based curriculum for students of all ages. She focuses on creating adventurous storylines...