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African Futures: There is a need to map the developing landscape of climate change innovations in Kenya and across Africa



Mangrove forest located in the Mida Creek, Malinda, Kenya - Photo by Timothy K on Unsplash.

Afrofuturism imagines a world rooted in Black liberation, where Afro-indigenous knowledge systems are uplifted, hierarchies disrupted, and there are no limits to Black potential. At its core, Afrofuturism is a political stance that envisions African communities and the diaspora not just surviving but thriving for generations. It asserts that we have a rightful, central place on Earth—not as an afterthought, but as an essential and integral part of the future.

We must be the centers of our own universe, embodying our ancestral gifts and building new worlds for us and by us. Building resilient communities requires a close examination of the current ones and asking how we arrived here. The ongoing and escalating crisis of our time is climate change, as manifested in global average temperature rise, ocean acidification, increased frequency and duration of droughts, and stronger intensity of storms

The climate crisis stems from a disconnection between humans and the environment, driven by our exploitation, destruction, and disruption of Earth’s natural cycles. Colonial mindsets have normalized the conquest of nature, causing widespread damage rooted in short-sighted self-interest. Yet, the Earth is inherently abundant, capable of sustaining us if we choose to listen and work in harmony with her. Afrofuturist imagination challenges us to innovate beyond colonial frameworks that prioritize infrastructure over environmental well-being. In addressing the climate crisis the old approaches alone won’t be enough.

There is a need for the inclusion of Afro-Indigenous science and nature-based solutions that support climate adaptation. “What I can pride myself in is the fact that there exist Indigenous people with Indigenous knowledge, and [we] are very key in the wake of climate change,” says Bennittes Kipyegon, a Kenyan environmental scientist.

Sub-Saharan Africa hosts countries which have minimally contributed to the global emissions of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere bear the brunt of climate-driven phenomena. In June 2024, the nation of Kenya experienced catastrophic floods, resulting in loss of life, waterlogged farmland, and displaced communities. Those at the frontlines of the climate crisis deserve the dignity of articulating their needs being met with material support.

Turning to Nairobi, a bustling city representing the heart of East Africa and an emergent hub of development and technological innovation, an initial interrogation of who is on the ground and what they are doing on the community level to prepare locals for resilient climate futures reveals the potential for a map of connected initiatives.

A key principle in sustainability is the elimination of waste. In nature, there is no such thing as waste because all matter moves through cycles of use and reuse. Through local initiatives, a commitment to waste reduction and repurposing of waste materials shines through as a valuable aspect of new technologies. Aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, Omiflo builds floating wetlands that use plant-based technology to filter wastewater for recycling in gardens, restrooms, and other non-potable applications.

One of their notable installations is in the Giraffe Center located in Nairobi, Kenya, where locals and tourists alike come to interact with the iconic Kenyan wildlife. The floating wetland filtration system seamlessly integrates into the landscape, such that visitors are unaware that they’re standing next to a wastewater treatment plant. Reclamation of wastewater eases the pressure to find new water sources, and growing aquatic plants presents a job opportunity for locals. 

In line with converting waste into a valuable community asset, biogas stands out as a pivotal energy source for domestic Kenyan settings. In rural settings, many Kenyan women rely on firewood or charcoal to operate their stoves and feed their families. However, both of these energy sources emit hazardous fumes, posing a threat to the lungs of working women and the environment. Biogas, on the other hand, eliminates the need to cut down trees and makes use of latent agricultural byproducts. The increasing availability and affordability of this renewable energy source relieves a financial burden for families, allowing them to divert funds towards their children’s education. 

Even before the production of waste, the Earth provides mechanisms of sustenance and response to disasters. Africa’s rich biodiversity poses an opportunity of inspiration for methods of mitigating climate change. The benefits of planting trees are widely known for filtering air and sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide, and one particular indigenous tree species in Eastern Africa, the mangrove, supports local communities through the Mikoko Pamoja initiative. Mikoko Pamoja translates to “mangroves together,” and this encapsulates the spirit of synergy between people and their environment.

Community members, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute representatives, local schools and volunteers participate in mangrove restorations, attracting carbon credits. Revenue generated from the sale of carbon credits is used to support local development projects in water and sanitation, education, health and environment conservation. Mikoko Pamoja additionally runs educational programs at all levels on topics such as mangrove ecology, carbon trading, and climate change. In lieu of developing a new carbon capture technology, this project off the southern coast of Kenya activates and contributes to a pre-existing power of the natural environment for mitigating climate change, and effectively sustains the community at the same time.

Kenya is uniquely positioned to launch the solar power revolution due to its equatorial geographic location. Harnessing openly accessible energy from the environment facilitates the global transition away from an extractive fossil fuel economy, and in rural regions where electricity is scarce, solar mini-grids distinct from the main power grid deliver electricity.

One notable impact of solar power lies in education. Many Kenyan students without electricity use kerosene lamps to study after sunset. These lamps present the health hazards of eye strain, risk of burns, and household air pollution. Additionally, solar power mini-grids improve the quality of healthcare in rural communities through the use of advanced medical equipment and regulation of temperature-sensitive drugs. Investment in solar energy initiatives illuminates a sustainable development path for East Africa.

At the end of the day, the exchange of ideas and interconnected relationships will bolster the emerging landscape of African climate innovations. The initiatives discussed above are just the tip of the iceberg as many more likely exist. As such, a map is needed. Moreover, at a community level, people need to find each other to share what works and what doesn’t.

A map would mark the beginning of a journey toward one another for collective stewardship of our shared knowledge. Africa is in a unique position of developing new circular, low carbon economies that avoid the mistakes that led to climate and environmental crises in the first place. The rest of the world has the chance to invest in African knowledge systems, the continent leading sustainable design from the ground up.

The investigation above was produced through the Civic Science Journalism Internship Program hosted in the CS Media Lab. The internship program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to research and report about ongoing developments across civic science fields such as public engagement, science communication, citizen science, science policy, and others. Through investigative storytelling, interns produce in-depth thought pieces that contribute to ongoing discussions and serve as guides for future coverage. 

Lyne Odhiambo is a senior at MIT studying fluid dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere. They are pursuing graduate study in climate modeling to inform climate policy and adaptation strategies.

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