Newsroom host Jake Krauss visits the national mall in Washington DC to celebrate the summer solstice with science outreach activities hosted by the Smithsonian. Performances, lectures...
CivicSciTV News Correspondent Jake Krauss interviews Dr. Brian Kloeppel, a biologist and faculty member at Western Carolina University, on Capitol Hill. Dr. Kloeppel discusses his advocacy...
In this segment, Jake Krauss discusses a new study titled “Using jokes in science content online boosts engagement,” SquidToons, SciTalk 2024, and “Understanding of emissions reduction...
In this segment, Jake Krauss brings up Climate on the Ballot Newsletter, Planetarium Education Research Fellowship, New research on framing of ocean climate press releases and...
Communicating networks through song and dance music video… Thanks to the SciCommer Newsletter for sharing! Combatting misinformation in health and environmental science… Mentor chat...
CivicSciTV Newsroom with host Jake Krauss presenting the latest in civic science Women and girls in astronomy celebrations… Science communication through poetry video recording: • Science communication through poetry … ...
In this episode of CivicSciTV’s Newsroom hosted by Jake Krauss, a range of engaging topics at the intersection of science and society are explored. Krauss delves...
In this episode of the Newsroom, host Jake Krauss discusses several engaging topics in the realm of civic science. He begins by sharing his experience of...
Dr. Emily E. Edwards, Executive Director of the Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology Center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign testifies to the House Science,...